Deals / Projects

Deal of the Month..a coupon code

I like art.  Big art. Different art. Cheap art.   Dirt cheap large canvas art prints.  And I am willing to go out of my way to get it.  I love modern Indian Art but I can not afford it.  Not in the least bit.  I found a print that I liked but it was $9,000 for the original and $600+ for the print!!  There is no way this side of heaven!!  I was discussing with my aunty that I would send it to a printer and get a reproduction made.  She said that was unethical and stealing from the artist.  No, charging $9k was unethical.  (Don’t judge me).  But what she said stung me.  So copyright law says if something has 5 changes to it it is no longer under the same copyrights.  So here is the print I liked:


Loaded it  in Microsoft Image composer and made well over 5 changes to it to come up with this


I wanted this to go over my couch to replace the tapestry I currently had because a friend asked me if this was a Christmas tapestry.  He said because it was green and red and had glittery spangles in it.


Is he crazy??   Well honestly, now that he said it I can see it so that’s why I replaced it. I thought it was quite unique and pretty when I got it but now it is folded up and tucked away.   Anyway here is the deal.  This is a valid 2016 coupon code for Easy Canvas Prints that lasts until March 1, 2016.  Go to and enter the code sosorry2015

coupon code

When you hit enter you will get the confirmation that the code was accepted


If you place the item in your shopping cart and come back later and find the price has increased all you have to do is go back to and enter the code sosorry2015, hit enter and your items will still be in your cart at the 85% off price.  If you can’t get the code to take  email them.  They are very helpful.

I got a print 30×40 and I tell you this is is HUGE discount.  You will not be able to beat this price anywhere and trust me I looked. I did not upgrade any options but  at the end I did choose the deluxe hanging system, which cost extra.


The hanging system really worked well.  Although in this photo the picture looks crooked its not.  I am painting the wall behind it white and the print will really pop then.  What do you think about this print over the couch?


Important things you need to know:

  • Make sure the end price is what you were expecting because I found that the webpage does change prices as you go along and you have to watch it.
  • They will not print anything with an artists signature on it.  (Or so they say)
  • Most people will use this to blow up their favorite personal photos.
  • If it says your image is low quality (i.e. pixalated) before you put it in your cart believe them.  It will allow you to still order and no one will call to tell you that you should have chosen a smaller size.
  • It takes about 10 days to receive your order
  • The quality is good.  The canvas is not really rough and it has a nice sheen to it.  The frame is good quality.


Let me know if you placed an order.  No I don’t get anything out of it, in fact I am sure they probably won’t appreciate me sharing the code.  I just like to hear when people enjoy the fruits of my endless searching the Internet for deals.

One thought on “Deal of the Month..a coupon code

  1. Pingback: Stencils | A City Girls Country Dreams

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